30. March 2023
We invite you to participate in our survey on flexible and intelligent personnel planning in assembly. This survey focuses on shift and working time models in production.
Your participation is of great value in identifying gaps between current best practices and further potential for flexibility based on the latest scientific findings.
Clearly, personnel planning is also affected by current mega-trends: employee sick leave is increasing, and the “war for talent” is leading to rising demands for flexible working time models on the shop floor.
Participation in the survey is free and can be done anonymously. However, if you would like to provide a contact address, we can arrange an individual appointment to continue the discourse.
Click on the link to participate and express your perspective: https://survey.wmaut.de/index.php/336153?newtest=Y&lang=de
Extended Deadline: The participation deadline is May 20, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact a.buckhorst@xl-assembly.com